Source code for video_curation.google_api_helper

"""Functions to help deal with google_api."""
import json
import logging
import os
# google.oauth2 package is completely different from oauth2client
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow

[docs]def perform_oauth(client_secrets_file, scopes, token_file_path=None): """Do interactive oauth.""" flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(client_secrets_file, scopes) credentials = flow.run_console() creds_data = { 'access_token': credentials.token, 'refresh_token': credentials.refresh_token, 'token_uri': credentials.token_uri, 'client_id': credentials.client_id, 'client_secret': credentials.client_secret, 'scopes': credentials.scopes, } if token_file_path is not None: with open(token_file_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(creds_data, outfile)
# storage.put(credentials=credentials) fails with 'Credentials' object has no attribute 'to_json'. That's because google.oauth2 package is completely different from oauth2client
[docs]def get_service_from_token_file_path(token_file_path): """Authenticate and get api service object. :param token_file_path: A json file containing an access token (from a prior successful oauth). :return: """ credentials = None if os.path.exists(token_file_path): with open(token_file_path) as f: creds_data = json.load(f) credentials = Credentials('access_token', refresh_token=creds_data['refresh_token'], token_uri=creds_data['token_uri'], client_id=creds_data['client_id'], client_secret=creds_data['client_secret']) if credentials is None: logging.warning("could not retrieve oauth credentials from '%r'", token_file_path) return credentials
[docs]def get_credentials(service_account_file=None, token_file_path=None, client_secrets_file=None, scopes=None): """ Note: Passing service_account_file does not seem to work as intended. :param service_account_file: :param token_file_path: A json file containing an access token (from a prior successful oauth). :param client_secrets_file: :param scopes: :return: """ credentials = None if service_account_file is not None and os.path.exists(service_account_file): unscoped_credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_file) credentials = unscoped_credentials.with_scopes(scopes) else: # Access Token file is the result of oauth. If it exists, we might avoid having to do another oauth. if token_file_path is not None: credentials = get_service_from_token_file_path(token_file_path) if credentials is None: assert client_secrets_file is not None and scopes is not None if perform_oauth(scopes=scopes, token_file_path=token_file_path, client_secrets_file=client_secrets_file): credentials = get_service_from_token_file_path(token_file_path)"Logged in successfully with oauth.") else: logging.error("Login failure!") return credentials
[docs]def get_api_request_dict(properties): """Build a resource based on a list of properties given as key-value pairs. Leave properties with empty values out of the inserted resource. :param properties: a dict :return: """ resource = {} for p in properties: # Given a key like "snippet.title", split into "snippet" and "title", where # "snippet" will be an object and "title" will be a property in that object. prop_array = p.split('.') ref = resource for pa in range(0, len(prop_array)): is_array = False key = prop_array[pa] # For properties that have array values, convert a name like # "snippet.tags[]" to snippet.tags, and set a flag to handle # the value as an array. if key[-2:] == '[]': key = key[0:len(key)-2:] is_array = True if pa == (len(prop_array) - 1): # Leave properties without values out of inserted resource. if properties[p]: if is_array: if isinstance(properties[p], str): ref[key] = properties[p].split(',') else: ref[key] = properties[p] else: ref[key] = properties[p] elif key not in ref: # For example, the property is "snippet.title", but the resource does # not yet have a "snippet" object. Create the snippet object here. # Setting "ref = ref[key]" means that in the next time through the # "for pa in range ..." loop, we will be setting a property in the # resource's "snippet" object. ref[key] = {} ref = ref[key] else: # For example, the property is "snippet.description", and the resource # already has a "snippet" object. ref = ref[key] return resource