Source code for audio_curation.mp3_utility

import logging

import os
import pprint

import eyed3

# Remove all handlers associated with the root logger object.
for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
    format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s:%(module)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s"

# logging.warning("Logging.warning functional!")
#" functional!")

[docs]class Mp3Metadata(object): """ Models the metadata in an mp3 file. """ def __init__(self, title=None, artist=None, album=None, album_artist=None): self.title = title self.artist = artist self.album = album self.album_artist = album_artist
[docs] def get_from_file(self, file_path): """ """ audiofile = eyed3.load(file_path) if audiofile.tag is not None: self.artist = audiofile.tag.artist self.title = audiofile.tag.title self.album = audiofile.tag.album self.album_artist = audiofile.tag.album_artist
[docs] def set_in_file(self, file_path): """ """ audiofile = eyed3.load(file_path) if audiofile.tag is None: audiofile.initTag() local_tag_update_needed = (audiofile.tag.artist != self.artist) or (audiofile.tag.title != self.title) or ( audiofile.tag.album != self.album) or (audiofile.tag.album_artist != self.album_artist) if local_tag_update_needed:"***Updating %s locally." % file_path) audiofile.initTag() audiofile.tag.artist = self.artist audiofile.tag.title = self.title audiofile.tag.album = self.album audiofile.tag.album_artist = self.album_artist
[docs]class Mp3File(object): """ Represents an mp3 file, together with its metadata and associated normalized-sound file. """ def __init__(self, file_path, mp3_metadata=None, load_tags_from_file=False, normalized_file_path=None): self.file_path = file_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) self.basename = os.path.basename(file_path) self.metadata = mp3_metadata if mp3_metadata is not None else Mp3Metadata() if load_tags_from_file: self.metadata.get_from_file(self.file_path) # Linter complains if instance variables are defined outside __init__, so defining here despite calling set_normalized_file(): self.normalized_file_path = None self.normalized_file = None self.set_normalized_file(normalized_file_path=normalized_file_path) def __repr__(self): return "Mp3File(%s)" % self.file_path
[docs] def save_metadata(self): """ Saves metadata in the corresponding file on disk. """ self.metadata.set_in_file(file_path=self.file_path)
[docs] def is_file_normalized(self): """ Does the file_path indicate that this file is normalized? :return: """ return self.normalized_file_path == self.file_path
[docs] def set_normalized_file(self, normalized_file_path=None): """ Set details about the normalized file corresponding to this base file. :return: """ if normalized_file_path is None: self.normalized_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, "normalized_mp3", self.basename) if self.is_file_normalized(): self.normalized_file = self else: if os.path.isfile(self.normalized_file_path) and os.access(self.normalized_file_path, os.R_OK): self.normalized_file = Mp3File(self.normalized_file_path, mp3_metadata=self.metadata) else: self.normalized_file = None
[docs] def is_normalized_file_outdated(self): """ Is the normalized file corresponding to this file outdated? :return: """ return not self.is_file_normalized() and ( (not os.path.isfile(self.normalized_file_path)) or os.path.getmtime(self.file_path) >= os.path.getmtime( self.normalized_file_path))
[docs] def check_loudness(self): """ Get some loudness metric. :return: """ from pydub import AudioSegment sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(self.file_path) return sound.dBFS
[docs] def save_normalized(self, overwrite=False): """ Save the sound-normalized version of this file. Currently the normalzied file produced will be mono-channel, around -16dbFS loud, have the same metadata as the original file. :param overwrite: :return: """ if (not overwrite) and (os.path.isfile(self.normalized_file_path)): logging.warning("Not overwriting %s" % self.normalized_file_path) return from pydub import AudioSegment sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(self.file_path) # Convert to mono. normalized_sound = sound.set_channels(1) # Set loudness to the standard level: -16LUFS or roughly -16dbFS # Eventually we would want to use LUFS. One would need to switch libraries or await resolution of . normalized_sound = normalized_sound.apply_gain(-16 - sound.dBFS) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.normalized_file_path), exist_ok=True) self.metadata.get_from_file(self.file_path) normalized_sound.export(self.normalized_file_path, format="mp3", tags={ "artist": self.metadata.artist, "album_artist": self.metadata.album_artist, "title": self.metadata.title, "album": self.metadata.album }) self.set_normalized_file()
[docs]def get_normalized_files(mp3_files, skip_missing=True): normalized_files_unfiltered = [mp3_file.normalized_file for mp3_file in mp3_files] if skip_missing: normalized_files_present_only = [mp3_file for mp3_file in normalized_files_unfiltered if mp3_file is not None] skipped_files = [mp3_file for mp3_file in normalized_files_unfiltered if mp3_file not in normalized_files_present_only] logging.warning("Skipping: %s", pprint.pformat(skipped_files)) return normalized_files_present_only else: return normalized_files_unfiltered